近年来,浙江、福建等省的一些茶叶生产企业已将夏秋茶深加工成茶丝巾、茶毛巾以及各种茶食品,茶叶深加工产品的开发应用已逐渐延伸到消费生活的多个领域,产品附加值大幅度提升。当前已经有很茶叶企业利用膨化加工技术,将夏秋茶深加工成抹茶,产品一上市,就批量出口到100多个国家和地区。这样茶叶企业一年四季都能进行采茶生产加工,告别了只产春茶的历史,不仅解决了夏秋茶资源浪费和农村剩余劳动力就业等问题,还使茶叶的附加值提高了6倍,企业增了效,茶农增了收,何乐而不为?In recent years, zhejiang and fujian provinces some of the summer and fall tea deep processing into tea tea production enterprises have silk towel, tea towel and various kinds of tea food, the development and application of the tea deep processing of products has been gradually extended to multiple areas of life, consumption significantly enhance product added value. Currently there is a tea enterprises using expanded processing technology, summer and fall tea deep processing into maccha, a public product, and bulk exports to more than 100 countries and regions. That tea can all the year round for picking tea production and processing enterprises, bid farewell to the history of tea production, only not only solved the summer and fall tea resource waste and rural surplus labor force employment problems, also raise the added value of tea six times, enterprises gain the effect, tea farmers increase the charge, why not?
由于夏季的温度高、光照强,茶叶的氨基酸、芳香物质等含量低,口感稍逊,无法加工成名优茶。不过,它们却是加工红茶、乌龙茶、茶饮料、茶多酚、茶黄素等产品的上好原料,若开发措施得力,同样拥有广阔的市场前景。一些业内人士认为,进一步做大茶产业,加大对夏秋茶的深加工综合利用应当是主要的努力方向,这也是我国一些传统茶场转型升级的必经之路。Due to summer high temperature, strong light, low content of amino acids, aromatic substances, such as tea, taste slightly, cannot be processed into famous tea. However, they are processing black tea, oolong tea, tea drinks, tea polyphenols, theaflavins, and other products of superior raw materials, if the U.S. development, also has broad market prospects. Some in the industry believe that further tea industry, deep processing and comprehensive utilization of more in summer and fall tea should be the main direction, this is also our country some traditional tea path of transformation and upgrading.
目前,我国夏秋茶深加工综合利用仍处于零星开发的初始阶段,很多地方的夏秋茶无人采摘、老死枝头。抓好夏秋茶的深加工综合利用,拉长茶叶加工链条,茶叶深加工可以为我国茶产业发展的一个新增长点。At present, the comprehensive utilization of summer and fall tea deep processing of scattered development is still at the initial stage, many parts of the summer and fall tea picking, old branches. Pays special attention to the deep processing and comprehensive utilization of summer and fall tea, spin chain tea processing, deep processing of tea can be a new growth point for the development of tea industry in China.
宇捷包装机械是自动化、智能化包装综合解决方案的提供商!是集茶叶加工机械、茶叶包装机械研发、生产、销售及服务于一体的专业化公司。公司主要产品及服务有:茶叶加工机械、茶叶包装机械、三角袋茶叶包装机,茶叶包装机,红茶包装机,绿茶包装机,黑茶包装机,黄茶包装机,白茶包装机,乌龙茶包装机,袋泡茶包装机,内外袋袋泡茶包装机,袋中袋袋泡茶包装机,内外袋包装机,袋中袋包装机,养生茶包装机,保健茶包装机,花茶包装机,花草茶包装机,菊花茶包装机,茉莉花茶包装机, 玫瑰花茶包装机, 养肝茶包装机,中药茶包装机,八宝茶包装机,袋用茶包装机,代用茶包装机,尼龙三角茶包包装机,三角袋茶叶包装机,尼龙三角袋袋泡茶包装机,时尚立体茶包包装机,立体三角茶包包装机, 尼龙三角袋茶叶包装机,尼龙三角包包装机,尼龙三角包袋泡茶包装机
作者:再加工茶包装机 袋泡茶包装机 保健茶包装机 养生茶包装机 饮品茶包装机
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