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时间:2016年10月29日信息来源:茶叶包装机,袋泡茶包装机-www.sz3n.com 点击: 【字体:

近年来,茶叶包装机械、自动包装机械向着高端化转变已经显露出其强劲的发展势头,设备的自动化、智能化程度大幅提升。国内包装机械生产企业也将面临行业转型升级的考验。In recent years, tea packaging machines, automatic packaging machines to high-end transition has showed its strong momentum of development, the degree of automation, intelligent devices increased substantially. Domestic packaging machinery manufacturing enterprises will face the test of industry transformation and upgrading.
根据国际著名调查机构对全球各大包装机械、茶叶包装机械生产企业的调查显示,今后几年,茶叶包装机械、包装机械领域仍将保持较好的发展势头,但是行业整体格局将发生巨大的变化。According to the international well-known research institutions of the world's largest packaging machinery, tea packaging machinery manufacturing enterprises, according to a survey in the next few years, the tea packaging machinery, packaging machinery sector will continue to maintain a good momentum of development, but the industry as a whole pattern of great changes will take place.
业内人士指出,包装产品的技术含量体现在加工工艺和技术装备上,工艺是核心手段,装备是研发、验证、制造的关键,包装机械在包装工艺中居于主导地位。我国虽然加快了技术创新研发,缩小了与行业先进水平的差距。但是国外研发成果层出不穷,研发趋势日趋多样,如果国内行业无法实现突破创新,将永远无法实现国产包装机械对进口设备的反超。The personage inside course of study points out, the packing product technology content reflected on the processing technology and technical equipment, technology is the core, is the key to the development, validation, manufacturing equipment, packaging machinery in the leading position in the packaging process. Although China has accelerated the technology innovation research and development, narrow the gap between the advanced level with the industry.But foreign r&d results emerge in endlessly, increasingly diverse research and development trend, if the domestic industry cannot achieve breakthrough innovation, will never be able to achieve domestic packaging machinery for imported equipment.
前几年,发展迅速,工业总产值和销售产值同比增速分别为11.6%和11.8%,包装专用设备的累计产量为102673台,同比增速为19.97%,累计同比增长了18.86%。茶叶包装机械、包装机械行业的发展前景十分乐观,但是只有不断实现创新突破,才能紧跟需求的变化,把握市场的主动权,推动行业向着高端化、智能化方向发展。在可以预见的未来,包装机械产业作为大食品行业较高端的产业集群,在未来的几十年内都将呈现出高速的发展势头。A few years ago, is developing rapidly, gross industrial output value and sales value year-on-year growth of 11.6% and 11.8% respectively, 102673 sets of special equipment of cumulative production for packing, year-on-year growth of 19.97%, total rose 18.86% year-on-year.Packaging machinery industry development prospect is very optimistic, but only a breakthrough in innovation constantly, to keep up with the change of demand, to grasp the market initiative, to promote industry toward high-end, intelligent direction. In the foreseeable future, the packaging machinery industry as a major food industry higher-end industrial cluster, in the next few decades will present a high-speed development momentum.
宇捷包装机械是自动化、智能化包装综合解决方案的提供商!是集茶叶加工机械、茶叶包装机械研发、生产、销售及服务于一体的专业化公司。公司主要产品及服务有:茶叶加工机械、茶叶包装机械、三角袋茶叶包装机,茶叶包装机,红茶包装机,绿茶包装机,黑茶包装机,黄茶包装机,白茶包装机,乌龙茶包装机,袋泡茶包装机,内外袋袋泡茶包装机,袋中袋袋泡茶包装机,内外袋包装机,袋中袋包装机,养生茶包装机,保健茶包装机,花茶包装机,花草茶包装机,菊花茶包装机,茉莉花茶包装机, 玫瑰花茶包装机, 养肝茶包装机,中药茶包装机,八宝茶包装机,袋用茶包装机,代用茶包装机,尼龙三角茶包包装机,三角袋茶叶包装机,尼龙三角袋袋泡茶包装机,时尚立体茶包 包装机,立体三角茶包包装机, 尼龙三角袋茶叶包装机,尼龙三角包包装机,尼龙三角包袋泡茶包装机,食品包装机,面包包装机,蜜饯包装机,炒货包装机,坚果包装机,瓜子包装机,花生包装机,全自动包装机,给袋式包装机,茶叶杀青机,茶叶揉捻机,茶叶烘焙提香机,纸箱专用喷码机,喷码机,手持式喷码机,掌上型喷码机,纸箱喷码机,高解析喷码机,热转印打码机,TTO热转印打码机,墨轮打码机,色带 打码机,封箱机,自动封箱机,全自动封箱机,全自动封箱打包机,自动打包机,打包机,以及茶叶过滤纸,袋泡茶过滤纸,挂耳咖啡过滤纸,墨轮,色带,字钉等耗材。

作者:药茶包装机 保健茶包装机 养生茶包装机 中药茶包装机 袋泡茶包装机